We asked our CEO and Market Leaders for some 420 quotes of wisdom coming from their hearts. We asked the question:  “Where we stand on 420?” Here’s what they said:

Kristina Neoushoff, CEO of Women Grow
“We are defying stigmas. We are wives, mothers, daughters, aunts, grandmothers, entrepreneurs, professionals, thought leaders, and caregivers who are building this industry one business at a time. We are women who not only want to see the change, WE BELIEVE WE ARE THE CHANGE. As we continue to build, our message continues to spread. We are #WomenGrow” #womengrow420

Elisa Allechant, Women Grow Sacramento
“From seed to bud and bud to bloom, the Sacramento Market is flowering in the sunlight of the AUMA. Here in the Capitol of the nation’s  largest economy, we stand strong to support, educate, and connect women leaders in the cannabis industry.”

Mia Di Stefano, Women Grow NYC
“NYC is the global center of business. There’s no reason why we can’t be the center of cannabusiness. In 2017, I see the financial industry opening up to cannabis, along with many other industries that have already opened the floodgates: legal services, design, packaging, holistic health care and more. This is a multibillion dollar opportunity. Legalize it already.”

Carissa Cartelemi, Women Grow Baltimore
“The first growers are about to be approved and put plants in the ground, 102 dispensaries are working on their stage 2 approval, and we had over 100 attendees at our April meeting to celebrate our second birthday and the opening of the Maryland Patient Registry! The industry is gaining momentum in Maryland and we are so excited and proud to have been serving and growing the community along the way to now. We’re feeling the love in Maryland!”

Drayah Sallis, Women Grow Dallas

Interested in joining us to lead a Women Grow market in your territory? Apply here to become a Women Grow Certified Market Leader!