Thanks to legalization efforts around the country, the marijuana industry is booming, and cannabis-related jobs are following. Last month I wrote Need a Job? The Weed Industry is Hiring — Especially Women, which reported that industry experts expect 200,000 pot-related positions to be created in 2015 alone. Professional positions with big growth potential are emerging throughout the country,

… There are lots of opportunities in ancillary industries that don’t physically handle the product, and those can be done anywhere. These include package design and manufacture, software programmer, marketing, public relations and security consultants.

Regardless of where you live, there are ways to network in the cannabis industry. WomenGrow is a networking organization that connects cannabis entrepreneurs of both genders, and the National Marijuana Business Conference and Expo is a leading industry event, held twice per year. It is also helpful to join the legalization advocacy organization in your state. There is one in nearly every state.

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